Monday, October 12, 2009

I Found Stairs in my Attic

right-side out but still overturned I can
feel the inside of my outside pulling me back again
and I feel like if I were to ever doubt this thing
it would have been the sundae
to a three star meal's end

I can't understand why we come so far
before we realize how little we came
and it's sort of sweet how it's gotten
so bad but really it's just another shame

but it's all gripping pulling and over exhausting
itself to the point where it's...
and it's all pushing shoving and waiting itself
out to the point where it's...
still it's all reaching swinging and ever so inclined
to end up at the point where it's...
right back to where it all started

how do we turn ourselves inside out when any side we're on feels so wrong?
do the things we're doing come back around again and where do we go
before they're gone?

we've been closed for so long that when we open up I have
to ask 'where did everything go?'
and stand apart looking up to see what will happen oh
well, I guess, we really don't know

oh well, what do we do I...
well, where do we go from...
well oh well I, oh, I don't know

but it's all gripping pulling and over exhausting
itself to the point where it's...
and it's all pushing shoving and waiting itself
out to the point where it's...
still it's all reaching swinging and ever so inclined
to end up at the point where it's...
right back to where it all started

oh well, what do we do I...
well, where do we go from...
well oh well I, oh, I don't know


so let them eat (sprinkle-induced and super fat) cake


fucking dammit!

Do you ever have a situation where you have a gut feeling that it's going to just get fucked over but you keep letting it drag on and then it DOES GET FUCKED UP?

...and your just like


I could have/should have/did see that coming..

but you didn't do anything about it because you so badly didn't want it to get ruined..

so you sort of didn't let yourself get your hopes up but at the same time tried to ignore the possibility of it getting ruined...

and then it does get ruined.

and it's just...

such a shame.